Post by Mike SmithOn Mon, 24 Nov 2003 02:38:23 -0600, Steve Wertz
Post by Steve WertzOn Mon, 24 Nov 2003 07:38:08 GMT, jim andrews
Post by jim andrewsI don't have a horse in this race, but I'd just like to point out
that I did 2 years at Wendy's in high school and it's the cleanest
fucking place I've ever been in . . . including a Motorola clean
room. (OK, I exaggerate a bit.)
I did 2 years at BK and it was clean as well. Once a month we'd do a
swing shift and completely clean everything, including breaking down
and scrubbing the broiler-conveyor thingy. Ironically, the burgers
didn't taste as good unless there was some week-old grease smouldering
away in that thing.
It really depends on the particular store and franchise owner how
clean a place the run and the hygene/habits of the employees. I'm
sure each Corporate headquarters has developed strict cleanliness
guidelines, but it's up the management to follow trough with them,
Hmmmm... NBC?
Weren't they the "news" organization that intentionally blew up chevy
pick-ups to prove that a side impact would blow up the gas tank?
Mike Smith
Every once in a while Dateline, 20/20 and other news magazine shows get
away from sobbing mothers with defective children, co-joined twins,
interviews with celebrities with such probing Barbara Walteresque questions
like "Why does everyone love you so much and what is the meaning of life,
Angelina Jolie and your sidekick, Bozo the talking chimp?" and actually do
some real reporting.
I still remember almost all of John Stossel's reports, that report on Food
Lion produce where they used wire brushes to clean the cauliflower and put
it back out and changing the dates on green old meat to show it was newer
(Food Lion had to finally change their name!) and the one about the
whistleblower Navy Petty officer about the private airforce island in the
Carribean where all the generals and politicians went for sex, drugs and
golf and he was demoted and fired afterwards, and THEY CAME BACK AGAIN a
few months later asking the pentagon why they harrassed the poor
whistleblower! Genuine in your face reporting. I love it.
But ever since the education level of the average america has plummeted due
to liberlism's insidious plot to traitorously destroy America and turn it
into the Socialist Republic of Congo and America, and more women watch
these shows, they've become prime time weeping whining touchy feely soap
operas for women and morons...until last week.
I love exposes like that.
NBC, ABC...I don't care. Expose the fucking corporate basterds along with
their paid lackeys, politicians and all those dog gammed piples that make
the average person's life miserable in America today I say!
Mapi, the insult dog.